Making of the Maize Maze

Planning for the 2017 Maize Maze began almost as soon as the Pumpkin Patch closed its gates at the end of October 2016.

Perhaps few people will realise the level of work it takes to create a Maize Maze, particularly since the 2017 Maize Maze will be the largest one ever seen at Undley Pumpkin Patch. Created within 20 acres of maize and with the main maze design spanning seven acres, it takes an intricate form of a witch upon a broom complete with a cat and whiskers, fitting for the time of year when the Maize Maze and Pumpkin Patch will be open at Undley Farm Events (during October). 

Following the plan of by the official maze design team, two professional surveyors employed state-of-the-art GPS masts to translate the highly detailed plan of the 2017 Undley Pumpkin Patch’s Maize Maze on to the plot of maize crops. Plotted by hand, the surveyors plotted 2,500 reference points by hand and the paths then had to be cut exactly to match the maze design. It was a process that took a week and required utter commitment and a combination of surveying and farming skills supported by the latest GPS technology. All this took place in June (during the heatwave) and required absolute precision and accuracy not to mention excellent communications to ensure the delivery of a fantastic Maize Maze for 2017. 

The farming aspect of the maize maze and the pumpkin patch at large is managed by Anthony and Sally Pooley, founders of Undley Farm Events (and the Undley Pumpkin Patch and Maize Maze), who own and farm the land and belong to a family with a long-established farming heritage. 

Photographers, offering mast elevation photography and drone photography, not to mention regular checks by Anthony from a fully extended cherry picker, have also served to monitor the Maize Maze’s development… It’s so exciting seeing it develop.

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